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Growing in Christ

Loving People

Making Disciples

Our Vision: To be an authentic community of disciples following Christ through the Holy Spirit. We are a people who live missionally,

love constantly, serve endlessly, and give hospitably.

We would love to have you join us! Get to know us before joining us by knowing what happens on Sundays, understanding our values, and meeting our pastor!

What to Expect

Wondering what Sunday is like? We understand that knowing what to expect can make your first experience with us more comfortable.

What We Believe

As a Church of the Nazarene, we have faith in the transforming power of God, equipping us in belief and life.

Meet Our Pastor

Get to know our pastor, his background, family, and interests.

3924 High St. NW Warren, OH 44483 | 330.847.7728  © 2022 Champion Church of the Nazarene

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